Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Recently, my mind was full of sweet old memories. I was talking to myself the reasons I am thinking all these non-stop. I tell myself that I must be missing those days when I am still young, carefree and feelings that I have nothing to lose in this world. But as we aged, we become alot wiser, making "correct" decisions and we make use of our consciousness and reasoning skills. Well, at least I hope that I am making correct decisions.

When I was young, I cant wait for myself to grow up and envy those adults who seem to have all the freedom that one can have. But now that I'm an adult, I just hope I can turn back time and become a kid all again. Life full of games, fun, parties and no major decisions need to be made. And no one will blame a kid for things that go wrong in your life.

But, in reality, life goes on. I have to (like it or not) to choose, to make decisions as "correctly" as I can, so that I won't regret it later and blame myself for those misfortunes. Well, decisions from career, choosing the "right" one, planning for a family, having a baby, all of these are such huge responsibilities.

But I guess, that is part of being "normal" in this "normal" world!I have to life live fully ~ but not always how I want it to be.. at least not in this culture!To be acceptable in this environment, in most cases, one must not put self on the top place, you have to consider your loved ones needs before you, and maybe that is why I feel tired sometimes.

Well.. memories will always be kept in our mind and heart forever. So i guess, memories help us to find back the need to keep life going, to add more beautiful memories in the future so that when we leave this world, we will be able to bring memories filled with emotions with us. As the elderly says, "When we die, we can't take along our possesions, money or status but we will bring memories with us and leave behind precious memories for our loved ones, to Miss us"~

Love & Hugs


  1. Bagus!All hands up and totally agree with you. MEMORIES is the only thing that follow us till we die.

    Thats y I stop buying equipments. Stop expanding the business but cut down watever I can to save more, and do something I like to do.

    Good one YL!

  2. =) lol... i just visit my own blog today =) Happy Chinese New Year to u, CK ! =)
