Friday, August 20, 2010

A Tale of Miki

Hubby and I have a very special dog. She was born in 14th October 2007. Her name is Miki, but we like to call her Miki-chan (chan in Japanese means girl). She is a chi hua hua and currently weighs 2.25kg. We treat Miki as a part of our family and she's the apple in our eyes. That's a photo of her wearing her bumble bee shirt. She's just too adorable.

This is our Miki. She is always alert, with her pointy ears, big black eyes and always running around wanting to play with us. As you can see in the picture below, she likes to watch and 'participate' in our daily activities. She loves to play with her toys (currently she has 3 toys, named Spotty (toy dog), an Alien (handmade by me), and blue Ele (a blue elephant)). In most days when she is not distracted by food, she can give the toy we asked for. Aren't she a clever girl? (^_^) heh heh....

Her favorite past time is to 'munch' on her toy Alien. But her favorite toy to play fetch with is Spotty. Whenever we are available, she will grab her Spotty and put it in our hands. Miki also likes to bring Spotty with her mouth when she walks around the house. Unfortunately, she will left Spotty behind in some hidden places and later on, the three of us have to go and hunt for Spotty.

This is a recent photo of Miki-chan trying to jump and catch blue Ele.

Just like any chi hua hua, Miki has shorter "hyperactivity" time compared to other bigger size dogs. Usually, she spends her time taking short naps and after fully re-charged her energy, she likes to play fetch. She also loves running around hunting for ants and bugs. She likes to bark at ants and try to frighten them (I guess, with her small size, there's only a very few things that's scared of her) ha ha...

Miki yawned when I tried to take pictures of her with her Minnie Mouse kimono on. =_=''

When she sleeps like this, it means she is sleeping soundly and is dreaming sweet dreams. ~_~
Previously, we put plastic garden gates to block her from coming out when we are having our dinner. She will cry while trying to pull open the gates with her little feet. Of course, it is not easy to open!! But, after many times of trials and errors, she figured out how to open the gates. She picked it up from me, when I unfastened the gates to let her out.

This is the gates we used previously to keep her inside our bathroom. Obviously, she figured out how to open it. Now, we just let her run around in the house unless we have guests.

People often commented that chi hua hua is born to be a picky-eater but our Miki loves FOOD! She goes crazy when she hears her steel plate makes "cling" sounds. She runs in circle when I open the container's lid to take a treat for her. She sniffs continuously for any 'leftovers' dropped on the floor and in her bed. Miki will never leave behind a single biscuit crust, not even a single rice will stick in her plate. She licks her plate cleanly after every meal I gave her.

  Miki's treats flew all the way from Singapore. Notice how long Miki's tongue? ha ha ha ha....

And here's some photos of her doing her favorite things.

Miki likes to keep her feet clean. When she was 4 month old, I accidentally cut too deep into her nails. Since then, she is scared of nail cutting. She rather bites her own nails rather than letting me do nail cutting for her. That is why she has ugly toe nails.

This is Miki in her bed. We put this bed inside our bedroom so that she can sleep with us. She loves jumping in and out of her bed, enjoying her treats inside her bed, and most of all, she likes to day dream in her bed.

Yup, this is Miki-chan. Not a moo-moo cow. I like to dress her up in different clothes when the weather is cold. 

She loves to feel warm especially on rainy days.

Miki is important to us. But we are even more important in her heart. We are all  she got! We are her family and also her friends!  When we went abroad for holiday trips, she will be left with my family-in-law. She refused to eat while we are away and according to mom-in-law, she will sit next to the door all day and wait for our return. Whenever she sees that I fill clothes into the luggage bags, she will jump inside and sit still on my clothes. I guess, she did know we are leaving her for a short while. 

Every time when we come back from holiday, she will wag her tail, jump, dance and give us her big kisses. We will kiss her back, hug her and most of all, will feed her. Her life resume back to normal!! =D

A dog is always loyal and never betray our sincerity and kindness. 

Miki will always be there for us!and we will love her always!

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